Simple Hacks for Family Hiking Adventures
Keep it simple… You know the next part. 😉
More hiking. It’s one of my family goals for this new year. Our Georgia life is surrounded by nature and trees and water. Yet, I still make excuses.
I say we will hike, but by the time the day rolls around, the excuses come out. And not always from the kids. That bed is so comfy! 😉
My plan to make it happen?
Keep it simple.
Wanna win fun mom points?
Throw in some walkie talkies.
Give the kids code names.
Let them come up with alert signals.
And give them wander off without you.
“K-9 has wings.”
That was the signal today for if the dog got loose. 😄
Walkie talkies. Put them in your Amazon cart. You’re welcome.
👉Follow me for more simple mom hacks to delay housework and homework. 🤪