Reclaiming Wonders

Sweet Children's Book about a Librarian

Am I the only one who automatically reads novels about people who love books or work in a bookstore? Am I a total nerd? Now, there’s a picture book for all those little nerds too 🤓 . . “Dear Librarian” is such a sweet book! I hope you don’t just accidentally find it like I did. Go look for it. . . A little girl and her family have to move around and struggle to feel at home.. until they find their location library. A home away from home. And a librarian we all hope to encounter. . So sweet. It’s written by a little girl who grew up to be a librarian BTW. ❤️ . Dear Librarian 📗2021 📘Written by Lydia Igwarth @librarylydia 📙Illustrated by Romans Galotta @rominaillustrations 📚Published by Farrah, Straus, & Giroux @fsgbooks . PS: Always looking for a good mom nerd book about book nerds to read. Give me some titles!

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