Reclaiming Wonders

Reserve National Air and Space Museum Tickets Early

Learn from my mistake! Save this if you have a Washington, DC trip coming up.😩😞 ✈️The National Air and Space Museum just reopened two months ago and is still undergoing renovations. This means that tickets are limited and have to be reserved online ahead of time. 🚁 🌟👉Don’t wait to get the tickets!👈🌟 During our Thanksgiving family road trip, I didn’t know this and scrambled every day to get them. Finally!! 🤫Tip: There is no cost, so you might even reserve two different days in case your day of visit has to change. If you wait, extra tickets are released at 8:30 and 12:30 on same day if there are any. Good luck! Make sure you RSVP your museum ticket early enough in the day. Even though only about half of this Smithsonian is open, it still took us about three hours. It will be crowded, but it’s worth it! Where else can you take your picture with a Star Wars X-Wing? 😉 👉Share this with a friend who is traveling to the Capital soon!

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