Learning Together at Home
Wanna know a secret? I don’t tuck my kids in at night with a book. Very rarely do we snuggle in bed with an old favorite.
While I’d love to be that mom and feel guilt over it - because that’s what “good moms” do - this mom is just tapped out from being touched and talked to for the last 12 hours. And that’s okay.
75% of the year, I have a giant stack of picture books next to my chair at the dining table where we gather for morning time. Sometimes scheduled. Sometimes whatever prettiness I saw on the shelves. Amazing picture books are good for any age, and even the big kids get a large portion of their learning through excellent, beautiful books. It still counts as learning.
I’m also not good at following through on reading novels out loud. I’m working on it. But most bigger books we’ve read have been audiobooks in the car or while they’re on their own. And that’s okay, too. Yeah @scribd
I do love to do picture study through picture books illustrators. We compare their styles and books, and make friends with the artist. If you want to add this to your family life, check out my blog about “Kadir Nelson” and how we do picture study. And if you have a favorite illustrator, hit me up. We definitely need to do it more!