Reclaiming Wonders
The image shows a handwritten note on a sheet of paper, describing the process of how paper wasps construct their nests. The note provides details on how the wasps chew bark and turn it into a paste, then shape the paste into hexagonal cells arranged in a nest-like structure. The note also mentions that the eggs are laid inside these hexagonal cells. Additionally, it states that where the queen is located, there will be a tennis ball-sized nest where worker wasps can cause an allergic reaction. The note mentions that different types of wasps make different types of nests, and that wasps eat from insects and spiders. At the bottom of the page, there is a simple sketch of a paper wasp, highlighting its distinct features.

Houston Zoo Swap Shop: Homeschooling with Hands-On Activities

Thank you #houstonzoo for swap shop making this homeschooling mom's life easier. External motivation for research, nature observation, writing, and presentation skills. And Cooper is once again asking to go to the beach to gather more trade in items. Maybe he'll suck it up and write a report next time.

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