Family Traveling and Homeschooling Blog
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for choosing to follow me!
We are a traveling, exploring family for many months during the year - normally!! ;) The rest of the time, we are just an at-home, eclectic homeschool family in Georgia learning while living and figuring it out as we go.
Knowing my crazy travel tendencies, friends kept asking me for travel suggestions. Then, when Covid hit, they started asking for homeschooling advice. I figured by blogging, I could help more people feel less intimidated by the idea of heading out in a family trip and more confident that they have what it takes to do school as a family.
So... A couple of months ago I took on a new, scary project. I started blogging as a way to encourage more families to take up travel and see all of life as learning opportunities.
I’d love for you to go check it out and let me know what you think.
It’s been a fun project to learn to do Wordpress and write about some of my favorite places, books, and homeschooling.
Link in my profile -
Stay along for the ride and let’s encourage each other in this crazy life journey. God bless!