Reclaiming Wonders
Two images depict families enjoying themselves in natural settings. In the first image, a young child stands beside a large tree trunk, wearing a green shirt and blue shorts. They appear to be observing something in the distance with curiosity. The second image shows three children on a wooden deck or platform surrounded by lush greenery. One child in a red shirt is leaning over the railing, while another in a green shirt and a third in a blue dress are standing behind, looking at something off-camera with apparent interest and excitement.

Family Adventures at the Zoo

Watching the gibbons. We don't have these at our zoo so they were pretty intrigued by their acrobatics. And the capybara and other small South American mammals. Coyotes were new. They were too excited to be in Abilene to want to spend much time. Just a giraffe ;). Brats. They had fun. Just don't ask them. Coop told me he likes it when we were there... and then the fussing began. Onto the next mission!

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