Reclaiming Wonders
An exuberant young girl with blonde hair is throwing her arms up in sheer delight. Her face is lit up with a huge, joyful grin, mouth open wide in an expression of unbridled excitement. She is wearing a gray shirt and appears to be in a cluttered room with shelves and various items behind her, suggesting it may be a thrift store or secondhand shop. The girl's ecstatic reaction conveys a sense of pure happiness and enthusiasm, perhaps in anticipation of something she is eagerly looking forward to.

Daughter's Joyful Dance Party to Favorite Artist's Song

Her excited face when we were waiting to get to free books at the thrift store and get to hear Stephen Stanley’s song on the radio!! Then she had to sing along and have a dance party. . . @stephenstanleymusic has made it to small town Texas 😃. @stephbrandonstanley I knew you’d love to know! Proud parent moment and all! And if you haven’t heard No Hopeless Soul on your radio, look it up on iTunes. . . We only listened to one of his songs so far today. Usually we have to go through all of them anytime my kids are in the car 😂

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