Reclaiming Wonders
A young boy with short brown hair is sitting at a wooden table, smiling as he leans over a round white plate with a chocolate cake on it. The cake is decorated with small white dollops that appear to be frosting. The boy is wearing a charcoal gray t-shirt with a graphic print that reads 'ARIZONA' in orange letters. He seems to be enjoying the cake, which is likely a birthday celebration for him based on the context provided. The image conveys a warm, happy atmosphere, capturing a cherished moment of childhood.

Boy's Birthday Cake Celebration

Happy birthday to my big boy who declared it to be a pretty good birthday after all... . Even though he hates the attention of people telling him happy birthday ;). I have birthed my clone in boy version - poor kid. He was sung to “minion style” by some of his friends who hung out with us most of the day. Low expectations and easy to please. With a little homemade-by-sister chocolate cake on the side. Happy ten years. I’m proud of the little man you’re growing up to be.

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