Reclaiming Wonders

Visiting the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas

At the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas… Grassy Knoll. Texas School Book Depository. Kennedy. Oswald. Ruby. . . I admit, it was my number one planned stop in Dallas. The kids know Kennedy, Civil Rights, MLK, the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, and many things about the President. We read a lot of books about JFK during our American history study last year, and it was so good to dive to learn more about all of them with real places. . . After two hours, one declared himself Kennedy-Ed out. One got mad because I made her leave before she had finished reading every word. And two littles had watched a couple of videos and been as patient as expected. We walked to the grassy knoll outside and retraced the drive to Parkland on our way out of Dallas. . . This somber memorial museum did a good job not only talking about 11/22/63 events, but also the man, his contributions, and his family. Once again, so many people were there! But it was a great stop. Living history is truly the best teacher.s

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