What if Everything Goes Right?
What if it all goes right?
I’m guilty of playing the ‘what if’ game with a negative twist but I also know from experience that if I let those go I find where everything goes right.
My first long trip to Europe was fun and I wouldn’t trade it for anything but i definitely had expectations for how it would go. Some things were amazing and some things were not. I left knowing I needed to do some real deep work on myself.
I’m about to head home after my second Europe trip two years later and it exceeded expectations! I was so nervous the same things would happen that happened on my last trip or that it would be even more of a dumpster fire but it was the exact opposite.
I pushed through the ‘what if it’s a dumpster fire’ thought and found so much magic in so many directions with so many friends and within myself. I let myself believe that it all would go right, and it did.
What’s something you’ve done that you were scared to do but turned out better than you could have imagined?