I’m trying to build a movement for creators. I’m tired of seeing talented people scraping by and not getting paid their worth. Your talent and skills are worth far more than that. I’m not doing this cause I want to get rich. I’m not doing it because I want to build followers, I’m doing it cause I see a genuine need in the industry for people to be transparent about how to ACTUALLY make a sustainable living out of content creation. Sure you could go the influencer route, but chances are, it’ll take you years to get to a point where you can charge real money and by the time you do you’ll be super burnt out and won’t want to be doing that the rest of your life. Trust me I get that haha. The only option is to build a business that is actually scalable, growable, and sustainable. Not one built on you and your followers. And you can only do that by learning the skills necessary to get you there. Things like precision prospecting (matching the right message with the right person), story-telling sales frameworks, and scaling blueprints and much more. That’s how you grow a business that sustains itself long term. If you’re ready to start building that for yourself DM me “CREATE” on IG and let’s get started!