👇How I would go from $0-$100k as a travel photographer if I had to start over 👇 1️⃣ Make sure my content is as good (or better) than the brands I want to work with. Nothing works if you don’t have this in place first. 2️⃣ Pick a sub niche to dominate and provide a specific solution to a specific client. It’s always easier to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in the ocean! Luxury boutique resorts vs. travel in general. 3️⃣ Find a way to provide 7-10x more value to the brand through my content than everyone else. I’m not cheap but I’m a steal for the value! 4️⃣ make a list of decision makers and their emails at brands in alignment with my sub niche. 5️⃣ Write highly personalized and valuable emails to these individuals to entice them to get on a call with me. 6️⃣ Take the sales call and show why my service is 7-10x more valuable and they are wasting their time even considering another option. Position myself as 1 of 1, NOT 1 of thousands. 7️⃣ Close the deal. Take deposit. Get contract signed. Do the shoot and get real business results for the client to reinforce my value and land a retainer. 8️⃣ Get 2-3 case studies. Hire a team (editors, shooters, setters, sales guys) and automate as much as possible to remove myself from things I don’t enjoy while I scale. 9️⃣ If your struggling to scale your content business follow my IG or DM me “CREATE” and I’ll give you a plan of action for your specific scenario! You’re gonna wanna save this one! Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 • • • • • #contentcreationtips #creativeentreprenuer #creativebusiness #travelcreatives #contentcreator #travelcouple #getpaidtotravel #paidtotravel #travelinspo #photobusiness