Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate, so why do we? I’m not asking this to receive an answer, but more to encourage you to think about it for yourself, to find ways that you can educate yourself. I have a general understanding, but I will also be more intentionally taking on the task of educating myself. The current pandemic has done something that has a certain ugly beauty to it. It’s brought an unavoidable attention to the disparity and depravity that our society and culture is built upon. Yes, it’s uncomfortable to realize. Yes, you should be feeling a range of emotions, from sadness to anger. I want to encourage you to embrace all of that, as from within discomfort comes growth. Use your voice, yes. Speak up where it’s appropriate to do so, speak up against those who would use their privilege to harm others, and listen to those who’ve been unheard for years and years. But more importantly, I want you to ask yourself, how will I act? Will you take the time to educate yourself? Will you hold the space for the unheard voices to be heard? Will you donate your time and money? Will you educate your children so that future generations don’t slip up? Will you lift up those who have been denied access, been discriminated against and hurt, until the scales begin to tip towards equality. Will you continue to hold this space until we reach that point? It’s one thing to say you will do something and another to actually do it. Again, I’m not looking for answers here, but I want everyone to be asking themselves... how will I act? How will I help to create change and the hold space, and maintain this current level of awareness until change has actually occurred?