Vanessa Joy

Bridal Elegance Photoshoot

My style is a lot of soft light but I definitely pushed myself into a more harsh light situation on a recent @adorama video where I was using the @canonusa R3. If you haven’t already, head to my stories to see @willcadena and I playing around with the #canonr3 in NYC! *Swipe for settings* Venue: @thevenetiannj // Cinematography: @robadamsfilms // Music: @silverproentertainment // MUA and Location: @anjali_artistry @thebeautysuiteny // Hair: @senadakxo // headpiece @bridalstylesboutique // Florals: @decorgaloreus // Dress @lazarobridal from @kleinfeldbridal // Stationery: @laurelcovecreative @mintedweddings // Bridesmaids: @barijayfashions // Wedding shoes: @badgleymischka // Groom: @prestigecustomwear // Cake: @palermos.bakery // Lighting: @magicmomentsnj // Limo: @santosviplimo

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