Vanessa Joy

👇 so they're done in 7 mins or less

Save this list below to make sure no one is missed! Planning is the key to stress-free family photos on a wedding day! I make sure your family photos are done in seven minutes or less by having everything planned out in advance. Everyone knows where to be and when, so it’s smooth, efficient, and completely stress-free. Want to see how I do this in action? Check out for a behind-the-scenes look! 🫶Here’s the typical family photo list to keep things organized: BRIDE'S SIDE: B+G B+G W/M, D B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS + AUNTS, UNCLES, COUSINS B W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS B W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) B W/M, D, SIBLINGS B W/M + D B W/M B W/D B+G W/BOTH SETS OF PARENTS MOM AND DAD ALONE GROOM'S SIDE: B+G W/M, D B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS B+G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS + AUNTS, UNCLES, COUSINS G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) + GRANDPARENTS G W/M, D, SIBLINGS + SPOUSES (AND KIDS) G W/M + D, SIBLINGS G W/M + D MOM AND DAD ALONE Save this list to make sure no one is missed!

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