Reclaiming Wonders

Wrong Turn on the Appalachian Trail

Life lesson here... the Appalachian Trail is a continuous thing, right? So you don’t find the sign and take off, because, just maybe, you were supposed to go the other direction. One hour later uphill, we consulted with a through hiker who was better prepared and said we had gone the wrong direction ;) So we didn’t make it to the Wasser Bald Fire tower but far enough to say we had an outing. It would have been so cold and windy up there... I’m thinking it’s ok ;) need better hiking clothes! I need to remember days like this to remind myself how humbling it is to be the one taking all the breaks at the back if the group. Need to get in shape and do more hikes! Draco had a good time... and was the reason for this hike because there are a lot of trails in the Smokies you can’t take dogs. #nantahalanationalforest is beautiful and the #nantahalariver was great to drive along the whole way. Next time, when it’s not 40 degree.

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