Reclaiming Wonders
A dirt path winds through a lush, green forest, surrounded by towering trees with bare branches reaching towards the cloudy sky. Two young children, one wearing a blue shirt and the other a red shirt, are walking along the path, their small frames dwarfed by the natural grandeur around them. The scene evokes a sense of freedom, exploration, and wonder, as the children venture into the embrace of nature, seemingly unencumbered by the weight of the modern world. The image captures the timeless joy and innocence of childhood, and the restorative power of the great outdoors.

Wondering Through Nature's Embrace

Reclaiming the wonder of childhood. Marveling at the wonders of nature. Wondering about God’s world. Seeing the wonders of the world. We wander to find the wonder in life. . . I changed my name... “Call sign”? “Handle”? ;). I decided that perhaps it’s time to move past my original bobbacita that I picked at the age of fourteen for my first email about account back in the day.... . . I guess I’m officially a grown up. At least the four monsters that call me Mom think so. . . In case you were wondering... ;). See what I did there?

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