Reclaiming Wonders
Two young children, a boy and a girl with blonde hair, are seated at a wooden table in front of a brick wall with a window. They are engrossed in playing a board game called Ticket to Ride, which is spread out in front of them on the table. The game board depicts a map with various routes and cities marked on it, and the children are using colored pieces to claim routes and build their networks. The boy is wearing a navy blue t-shirt with a mountain graphic, while the girl is wearing a black shirt. They both have a focused and competitive expression on their faces as they strategize their moves.

Kids Playing Ticket to Ride Game Outdoors

Don’t you love when they say they don’t want to play but swoop in toward the end to “help”... . . Day 2 of playing Ticket to Ride is reminding me that she is big enough for these games now! And likes to brag that she’s playing aggressively ;) . . We are loving spring weather during Corona Life to live and play outside!

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