Reclaiming Wonders

Save Big on Museum Visits with Membership

Save hundreds on your family travels with my favorite secret! 🤫 👉Plan ahead to get a museum membership that covers entrance to more than 1000 museums all over the United States - and even some international! In just two days in Philadelphia, our family of six had free admission to three fabulous museums. 🇺🇸Museum of the American Revolution $80 🇺🇸National Constitution Center $75 🇺🇸Penn Museum at the University of Pennsylvania $100+ 🌟That’s more than $250 saved! Ka-Ching!💸🤑 … and there are more than twenty other Philadelphia museums on the list. Imagine the damage I could have done. 😉 I love walking up to the museum front desk and saying, “I have reciprocity.” They glance at my card, print out our free tickets, and wave us on. 🌟Remember, museum memberships make a great present. Or zoo. Or botanical garden. The gifts that keep on giving. And they work last minute too!🎁 👉I have found a museum that covers both NARM and ASTC membership. One yearly membership payment for both. DM me for details, and I’d love to share with you so you can add it to your money-saving travel plan. ——// Make sure you’re following @reclaimingwonders for all the money-saving travel tips! 🤑\\——-

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