Reclaiming Wonders

Pizza Fractions Game Fun

Since pizza and fractions go hand in hand, why did it take so long for the perfect game? @sempersmartgames made another good one to follow up on Election Night. . . Blobby’s Pizza is brand new and has you strategizing as you build pizzas using various fractions (slices) of different pizza types. When you draw a monster card, he will eat that fraction of pizza from other players so you can use their cards to complete your fractions. It also has optional cards to add percentages with taxes and tipping. At the end, they have to add up their completed pizzas to see who won. . . Just like Election Night, we have another game that has managed to combine different techniques into a fun game. My 8 year old is still working through some of these concepts so I wouldn’t try with younger than 8 I don’t think. . . Games through math is the way to go!

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