Reclaiming Wonders
The image appears to capture an up-close and detailed view of a fuzzy, snow-like texture illuminated by a warm, reddish light. The texture is comprised of delicate, crystalline structures that resemble frost or tiny ice crystals. The image has a dreamy, ethereal quality, with the intricate details of the frost-like formations standing out against a darker background. The warm lighting casts a soft, rosy glow over the scene, creating a sense of warmth amidst the wintry elements.

Nighttime Crab Hunting Adventure

Last night in Florida and we had to go crab hunting! H didn’t remember last time because he was so little which made us extra exciting for him. And we weren’t he only ones. All kinds of flashlights out bobbing around in groups. There needs to be a info site about al the fun things you just have to stumble across on your travels! They really are so neat to watch.

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