Reclaiming Wonders

Mom Power: Finding 'Your Thing' as a Mother

What are you waiting for? Mom power! 💪 Listen up. You’re mom. Maybe this is the job you wanted your whole life. Yea!!! 🛑But it doesn’t have to be your only job. Thanks to a supportive husband And kids who love spending time with only Dad (Because he’s the fun one after all 🤣) It’s been a year of growth for me. So while I’m tempted to look at the negative or list off the things we have’t done perfectly.. ⭐️I’m trying to reframe. Because I’ve done so much for myself this year that I never would have “allowed” before. 📚Time for a church ladies book club. 😴Time for a homeschool ladies retreat. 🎒Time (and 💰) to take backpack trips. 👩🏼‍⚕️Time to return to volunteer clinic work. 📸Time to spend working on photography. 💻Time to focus on content creation here on IG and blogging and contacting potential collaborators. 🥾And even time to push myself to hike @tallulahgorgepotw by myself and push myself to do brave on my own. So while I don’t win the perfect homeschool mom award for the year, look at what I have done… . . Not saying all this for a “good job” (That’s the last thing I need ☺️) But to encourage y’all!! ❤️Thanks for supporting me in this space and giving me a community to push and encourage me! And thanks to those IRL friends who let my grumpy self into your bubble. 😘 Don’t be like me and wait until year 16 of motherhood… No matter how small, take the time to find “your thing”. It’s allowed. 👉Share this with your mom friend who needs some encouragement. Mom solidarity. ❤️ . . .

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