Reclaiming Wonders

Making Learning a Part of Everyday Life

Try these TOP TEN TIPS TO SNEAK LEARNING INTO YOUR HOMESCHOOL DAY! 🛑Stop saying… “Let’s do school.” “Let’s do your work.” “Get out your lessons.” 👉Just call it life and enjoy it. Create a learning life, and then you don’t have to worry about making up hours or fitting “school” into your regular life. My kids are creating their own interest-led life without even thinking of it as learning. Life skills for the win. ❤️ ✅GARDENING WITH KIDS I have a kid who tends his tomatoes and plans out seeds and waters his houseplants despite my lack of skills. 🔹Let them get dirty. 🔹Give them ownership. 🔹It’s math, timing, correct placement. 🔹It’s science, weather, light, pollination. 🔹YouTube experts can do all the teaching! 👉Start with potatoes. They were an accomplishment a couple of years ago. Gotta get ours in the ground. Hope it’s not too late! ✅COOKING WITH KIDS My cooking kids have been with me in the kitchen since toddlerhood. Cracking eggs or mixing up batter or cutting green onions with scissors. It teaches them to help you. 🔹Cost, quantity, doubling, temperature. 🔹Reading, research, science, chemistry. 🔹Organizing, direction following, dealing with mistakes. 🔹Encourage them to experiment. 🔹Bless others by giving away or sell them. 👉My baking kids have favorite printed recipes in a binder in page protectors. So much easier! 👉Keep buying the ingredients. Every. Week. We go through a lot of baking ingredients around here! 🌟 More TOP TEN TIPS TO “SNEAK IN” SCHOOL with these homeschool moms who also want to find more time for adventuring! #wanderschool over “real school” any day! @aroundtheworld_homeschool @thishomeschoolerslife @tolbertstakethetrail @bruschoolhouse . . . . . .

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