Reclaiming Wonders
A travel map of the United States with each state roughly outlined, overlaid with scribbled blue and black crayon markings. Some states like Texas and Colorado appear more heavily scribbled in, while others remain relatively blank. The map has text at the top labeling it as a 'License Plate Game Coloring Map'. Next to the map is a blue Flarp travel bag leaning against a wall, suggesting this is part of a road trip activity for kids.

License Plate Game Coloring Map for Kids on Road Trip

Best thing I have done this road trip? . Printed out every kid a license plate map to color in. They’ve had me making extra laps in hotel parking lots to see which extras they can find. I might have excitedly yelled “Hawaii!”at the Hoover Dam... might. And the kids have each worked on their states and reading and map familiarity and learned lots. . It was a good way to remind them during their grumpy fits that people have come from other countries and all across the US to see these sights. So stop fussing and appreciate them! ;) . And that everyone in Colorado is from Texas, but that once they get to Texas, it’s mostly just lots and lots of Texas license plates. Except for our Georgia, of course. . So go print one out free online. And if you’re headed to all the national parks out west, print a Canada one too. And get a clipboard to save some drama. But they will find a way to add other drama ;) .

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