Reclaiming Wonders

Homeschool Planning in a Bullet Journal

Confession: I used to spend hours planning out what we would do. Because planning is fun. And then I would feel like I didn’t do “what I was supposed to” —- even though I was the one telling me what to do. So now I “plan from behind” in my bullet journal. . . I write down what we do after the fact on the days. Additionally, these are my monthly pages where I track what we do in morning time as well as a general overview of what we do: games, audiobooks, podcasts, recipes, crafts, life skills. And our family book list. . . It’s nothing fancy. But so much better than my piles of folded generic white paper I used to have to shuffle through in planners to find my list I was looking for ;) . . Day 4 #backtohomeschool2020.

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