Reclaiming Wonders

Family Outdoor Adventure at Dukes Falls

It’s Friday! That means you have the weekend to go find an adventure. Let go of the mess or the “have to” and make memories instead. . Two days ago, we headed to North Georgia to Dukes Falls. A two mile hike just west of Helen, it was great outing without too much hard hiking. It’s all downhill going and then uphill for the return but not bad. . We were the only school aged kids there, and I enjoyed pointing it out to the kids as much as possible. 😃 . We live only two hours away from mountains. Yet, it seems so far for some reason. Gotta go more. We finished an audiobook and the kids watched a movie while Mom enjoyed some quiet. So much better than sitting home. . The leaves are beautiful. The water is flowing. Just go! As my friend reminded me recently, winter is coming and you won’t want to go. Now’s the time. . As for us today, we needed to stay home. One can only “go” so much. Life at home was the need for the day. Big kid needed to actually buckle down for the day. And that’s okay! . . Day 12. Let go. #30gratefulmoments @wilkinsonnest

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