Reclaiming Wonders

Don't Raise a Wimp: Let Kids Take Risks

Quit making your kid a wimp! Yup. I said it. 🤷‍♀️ 🪨Let your kids climb the rock. 🪨Take them off the beaten path. 🪨Encourage them to make that big jump. 🪨Allow them to walk through the forest barefoot. Not a nature person? Still counts. 💪Let them stink at volleyball. 💪Push them to take the hard class. 💪Send them over to talk to the new kid. 💪Make them go ask for a packet of ketchup! If all he hears is “be careful”, he’ll never try. If they’re afraid to fall, they’ll never climb. If you raise a pansy, it’s kinda your fault. Just sayin’. Signed, The mom whose kid acts differently at playgrounds when other kids are around because this daredevil-raising mom doesn’t want to get your kids in trouble. 😘 Seriously though. Chill out. 👉Don’t forget to post this in your stories for a gentle reminder to “that” friend. 😜 . . . . 📍June 2022; Secret Bentonville swimming hole the locals love (DM me and maybe I’ll share). . . . . .

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