Reclaiming Wonders
A stack of approximately 25 hardcover biography and non-fiction books is shown on a wooden surface. The books cover a wide range of subjects, including music icons such as Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, and jazz greats. Other titles focus on notable figures like Ted Williams, Vince Lombardi, and Babe Ruth. The books have colorful spines, and the collection appears to be a curated selection of intriguing biographies and historical accounts.

Discover Biographies Through Illustrated Books

Psst. You don’t need a book list. . It’s a comfort thing. A cozy blanket to fall back on. And if we don’t have one, we feel unprepared. But… . Go wander the shelves of the picture book biographies. Ignore the ugly photograph or textbook looking ones. And take all the illustrated ones and favorite illustrators. So much goodness. . Friendly reminder, your bigger kids are never too big for picture books. . Looks like the next couple of weeks will be all music with jazz greats.. and Elvis and Johnny Cash. Because we haven’t fully come to appreciate jazz and need some old friends 😉

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