Reclaiming Wonders
The image captures a lively scene in what appears to be a rural or natural environment. The foreground features three chickens standing on a dirt path amidst lush green foliage. Two of the chickens are fully visible, one with white feathers and the other with a striking black and white feathered pattern. A third chicken, with reddish-brown feathers, is partially obscured by the greenery. The chickens seem to be freely roaming and exploring their surroundings. The background showcases a dense canopy of vibrant green leaves and vines, creating a tropical or jungle-like atmosphere.

Chickens Everywhere in Paradise

Every trip we take, I threaten to write a book called “Things I should have known before I came” or “things people assume I know that would make my life easier had I known”... . . And while chickens are not an essential fact like “Don’t think about going without water shoes or you’ll cut your feet up”... I feel like someone should have explained to me long ago about Moana’s chicken and how it fits into the real world here. Not just a random pet. . . There are chickens. In parking lots of the grocery store. Walking down slopes toward the ocean. Waking up your seven year old in the morning despite you telling her she must have been wrong. . . And now you know ;) Feel free to explain this to your kid next time you watch Moana together.

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