Reclaiming Wonders

Charleston Family Outing: History, Parks, and Fun

Yesterday’s waking tour of Charleston was brought to you by Hamilton ;) and school I guess. The church where George Washington worshipped that one time, the balcony where Robert E Lee watched Charleston burn, Lafayette’s houses where he partied, and Theodosia Burr’s short term home. Between singing lyrics and school songs, I’m sure we entertained some passersby. That and this crazy mom reading the walking tour. So much that we didn’t see, but we got an overview. It’s amazing how much excitement a four year old can suddenly uncover when the monotony of streets is broken with some running on the Battery and along the waterfront. And dancing. And ice cream. And another bus ride. For the most part, they were troopers. Lots of history and amazing houses which are crammed close together... and placed on the streets with a typical front facade facing the back of another house. I guess land was expensive back then? More Charleston to discover next time!

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