Reclaiming Wonders
A young boy wearing a red striped shirt holds an American flag in a church or chapel setting. He stands next to a wooden podium or lectern adorned with a cross. A young girl in a polka dot dress holds a Bible or prayer book as she stands near the boy. In the background, there are pews or benches, an American flag, and a banner with the word 'Lord' hanging on the wall. The scene appears to depict a religious or educational gathering, possibly in a Christian church or school.

Boy's Excitement at Church Event

This is the hidden excitement of a little boy who got to hold the flag during pledges at our #classicalconversations day today. And then bonus when he was chosen to stand up front and do timeline motions! Big day. On his own, after school, he said he had a great day. H got to watch a short movie in the afternoon, behaved and gets some computer time at home... and got to pick up all the pine needles around the rocks in the forest. Big day. May we all get as excited by the little things. “Let the little children” and all. ;)

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