Reclaiming Wonders

Appreciating Our Freedoms

What if we took a moment to be truly thankful? Instead of complaining about how our world isn’t perfect? 🤔 We are blessed with the 🙏Freedom to worship. 🙏Freedom to claim Christ. 🙏Freedom to share your faith with your kids without fear. 🙏Freedom to have your dad baptize you in your grandparents’ pool. 🙏Freedom to not have to hide in basements on Sunday mornings. 🙏Freedom to be able to post our church location instead of hiding the name of our country for fear of the government finding us. 🙏Freedom to be truly thankful for where we live. We were blessed to see two of our nieces make their statement of faith in Jesus on the 4th yesterday. Good job @8bitjared and @sammylynn82 at passing Jesus onto your girls boldly ❤️ I kept thinking yesterday about the Honduran people who shared with us about their teenagers - kids who were at that moment trekking north to migrate into our country. 🇺🇸It may not be perfect. But it’s so much better than so many people have. ❤️

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