Reclaiming Wonders
The image depicts several artworks and a book titled 'Looking at Pictures' opened on a wooden surface. The largest artwork is a framed painting featuring a young boy in blue sitting on the ground in a pastoral setting, surrounded by lush greenery. Another artwork shows a seascape with a wooden bridge or jetty extending over vibrant blue waters, likely a representation of Claude Monet's 'The Water Lily Pond' series. The third artwork is a dimly lit Renaissance painting depicting a group of figures, possibly the 'Madonna of the Rocks' by Leonardo da Vinci, featuring the Virgin Mary holding the Christ child surrounded by figures and a rocky grotto backdrop. The book's content and the presence of these artworks suggest an exploration of art appreciation and education, particularly for young audiences.

Appreciating Art at Home

We’ve been looking at a lot of art in predation for our upcoming trip and all the free museums. Today, we picked up this book and started looking through it... only to realize it’s from the National Gallery in London. Which means... I’ll be seeing all these soon! And then K said, “We have that!” And runs upstairs to get Monet. And a little while later H says, “We have that!” And promptly reached up to get Madonna of the Rocks off the wall. This to say... I hung up daVinci six months or so and was feeling like a slacking because our art discussions have been lacking. But, obviously, it still counts! I hadn’t taken the time to show them either of these paintings. And one was above the five year old’s head honestly. But they saw them. They had appreciated them and formed a relationship without my intervention. So this means, I need to hang up a lot more paintings... There will still be no modern art though ;) success.

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