Nikki Tomlin

What's Your Preferred Travel Accommodation?

What type of accommodation do you prefer? 🛎️ Hotels over airbnbs or luxury over budget? Tell me what matters most to you when it comes to where you sleep on your travels. Personally, I’ll sleep just about anywhere as long as I feel safe. I’ve stayed in gorgeous hotels like this one in Singapore and in a tin shack on a beach in Guatemala and I can confidently say both have their perks. What it boils down to for me is the type of trip I’m on and what makes most sense for the adventure and my budget. If I’m passing through a place for one night and/or know I’ll be gone from the time the sun comes up until well after it’s down, then I’m not too concerned about the accommodation. If I plan a pretty chill itinerary and plan to relax a lot I’ll look at stays that offer a few more perks/luxuries. Swipe 👉🏻 to see the before and after edit!

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