Summer of Introspection and Growth
Well summer is officially over, at least according to the calendar it is, so naturally I’m going to day dream about all the adventures I went on this summer and hope winter doesn’t drag me down to much.
This summer was not how I imagined it would be, which I assume is how yours went as well. I lost my job, had to cancel all of the trips I had planned, seeing family and friends is now dangerous because of the pandemic. Definitely not a summer, or even a year, I ever imagined I would live.
But let me tell you what this summer was. It was an opportunity to evaluate what I want in a career. It was a chance to see that those cancelled trips were more than ‘a break from reality’ for a week, they were part of a lifestyle I want to live and learn about. It was the chance to grow greater connections with the friends I already had and find new friends in ways I never thought I would.
This summer changed so many things for me to help me grow in so many new directions. Here’s to hoping fall brings just as much new light to my life 🥂
What is one thing you took away from your summer? Or what was the best thing you did this summer?
#growthseason #selfgrowthjourney #changeyourmindset #manifestingdreams #awakenthesoul #letsgoeverywhere #peoplewhoadventure #beachlifevibes #wildwomen #beachportraits #traveltheworld🌍