Nikki Tomlin
A young woman is standing on a brick path, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. She has long, blonde hair and is wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Her back is turned to the camera, but her head is turned slightly to the side, allowing a glimpse of her face in profile. Behind her, the path leads through a picturesque campus setting, lined with buildings and trees. The scene is filled with a sense of tranquility and beauty.

3 Must-Have Camera Accessories for Photographers

3 camera accessories that I don’t leave the house without👇🏻 Peak Design capture clip. It’s that fancy thing that keeps my camera on the shoulder strap of my bags that y’all are always asking me about. 🙂 It keeps my camera easily accessible and secure for days exploring a city or on long beautiful hikes. Moment CPL filter (circular polarizing/linear filter) to knock out the glare on reflective surfaces. I’ve used it to drop the reflection through windows and get those dreamy shots of bodies of water where you can see the texture under the surface. Joby gorilla pod tripod. I bring this thing everywhereeeee. I throw my camera on it and my phone and then stick it on any and every random surface I can find. It also is a great small extension of my arm when vlogging. What’s one item you bring everywhere your camera goes?

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