Unplanned Moments in Sri Lankan Palm Forests
So I just got home from Sri Lanka a few hours ago and I’ve been sorta reminiscing on the trip and what I’ve learned. -
I’ve found that throughout travel it’s often the unplanned spur of the moment things that are the most memorable. It’s the things that don’t go to plan or are just incredibly random that, at least for me, is the reason I do what I do. -
This photo was taken in one such instance. We were driving through the jungle villages of Sri Lanka when we started to notice some particularly manicured palm forests. It was too perfect not to stop so the crew (@daxon , @chaocampo , @asasteinars , @karamintheworld and I) hopped out and explored around a bit. -
This isn’t a popular place by any stretch. I honestly doubt there’s another photo of this place on insta besides something our group posted, but sometimes when you only chase the “bangers” you miss out on cool moments like this. -
So I guess the point is get out and find an adventure. Don’t just chase the highlights but be open to whatever comes cause to be quite honest, most of my favorite moments from this trip are not what the average person would call highlights. It’s the open attitudes, awesome conversations, and adventurous spirits that make the highlights worth living. -
Thanks for hosting us these past 10 days @destination_srilanka I had an absolute blast and can’t wait to be back! -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙 -
#sosrilanka #visitsrilanka -
P.s. if you read this far go to my story and watch a stupid video of a random cow sniffing me in the field lol😆