Take Risks, Make an Impact
If there’s no risk, there’s no purpose. -
I know someone needs to hear this today. They’ve been living a safe life. They’ve been living by the books trying not to color outside the lines and do what society teaches is the “right way to live.” -
I want to challenge you right now to challenge that way of thinking. Literally every monumental shift in the world has come as a result of a decision made with the knowledge of the risk associated with it. -
Now I’m not necessarily saying drop everything and move to another country, but what I am saying is that you need to stand for something. The goal is not to have everyone like you. If they do you’re doing something wrong. -
Instead the goal should be to stand for truth and make an impact on the world around you. Is it risky? It can be on relationships, careers, and reputation, but ultimately I’d rather risk that than risk hanging on to the silver bed rails on my last days gasping for as many breaths as I can before I die knowing full well that I was given however many years to make a difference... but I chose to be safe. -
What would you rather risk? -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙