Seize Your Dreams, Don't Wait on 'One Day'
Can’t wait on one day cause one day ain’t waiting on me. -
I went to this place in Nashville last night called the listening room. It’s basically a song writers round table where they share new songs and the stories behind them. Really cool place to check out in Nashville if you’re ever around, but one of the guys had a song called one day and it featured this line so I had to share it. -
Sometimes we get so caught up in life that our dreams become a “one day” event. The problem with a “one day” is that it is often not a specific day. It’s a generic term that implies the future. There’s no plan, no action, just hope. -
Dreams rarely are realized off of hope alone. They require intentionality. Don’t wait on one day cause one day ain’t waiting on you! -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -