Life's All About Perspective
Life is about perspective. -
It’s kind funny how one minute you can be cruising on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the next you’re face planting in the sand. It’s the same exact day but for one person it could be the best day of their life and another it could be the worst day. -
It’s the same event, location, circumstance. The only difference is the perspective. -
I hear the word season thrown around quite a lot these days. Like I’m going through a rough season or I’m going through a blessed season. I don’t think seasons are exclusive to a certain time. I think everyone is having both a rough and blessed season, but the one they choose to give attention to is the one that they will live out. -
If you choose to see the negative in your day then of course you’re in a rough season, but when you realize that you have so many things to be thankful for (even simple things like being able to say things freely without worrying about being killed for it) you can’t help but think you are blessed and highly favored. -
So even if you are face planting into the beach, a day at the beach is better than a day pretty much anywhere else in my opinion. Choose to see the positive in situations and people. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙