The Limits of Self-Help
We got 25 million self help books in the book store but if they all worked that section would be empty. -
Maybe it’s because we weren’t made for self help. We were made for divine relationship. -
Tbh I read “self help” books probably more than the average person, but I have noticed something in common with most every one I read... they put YOU at the center of the universe. Our culture has become so self centered. We focus on ourselves, our journey, our feelings, our specific interpretation of reality, and in doing so, discount actual hard truth. -
We would rather pick and choose “our truths” to match what we feel at the time and it is devastating our society. I know I’m probably going to offend some people in this caption and that’s ok. If you don’t like it again that’s ok. I am not here to be politically correct, I’m hear to share a message that will hopefully resonate with just one person and change a life. to me that’s far more important. I’m not going to condone the idea that there can be multiple truths and that everyone needs to find their own version. -
Self help can only go so far as the human limitation. Self help won’t get you through an unexpected death, or divorce. Will it temporarily numb the pain? Potentially. But it’s a bandaid over a scar. -
The only true self help book is the Bible and even that doesn’t teach self help. It actually teaches the opposite. The goal is not for you to help yourself, but to allow God to transform and renew your mind to see your situations in a new light. He doesn’t want you to have to help yourself, because quite frankly a lot of times situations are way too gnarly to handle alone. -
Let him step in and watch what happens. Your situation may not change but your perspective surely will. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙