Kym Wylder
A hiker is standing on a rocky trail surrounded by towering, jagged mountain peaks. The peaks are cloaked in lush evergreen trees and rise majestically into a bright, partly cloudy sky. A dramatic waterfall cascades down one of the rocky cliffs, adding to the breathtaking scenery. The rugged, mountainous landscape and the solitary hiker suggest this is a remote and challenging hiking destination, perhaps in a national park or wilderness area.

Conquering Life's Challenges

We can do hard things. Period. The knowledge of what we’re capable of grows with every test of courage we look in the eye and face head on, instead of cowering and living our days in the grey and regret of “what if I’d only tried.” Choose your mountain, give it everything you’ve got, and look back at the path of your life with a smile at what a cheeky ride it’s been and all that you’ve done, seen, become, and experienced. We die a little every day that passes, now is your time to seize your moments and LIVE. Take the time to find out what that means and looks like for you. A clue to know when its true, you feel it in your gut and it both terrifies and excites you 😉

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