Joanna Kalafatis
A woman stands on a rocky, desolate volcanic landscape surrounded by a vast expanse of desert. The terrain is rugged and covered in dark, jagged lava rocks. In the background, a tall, flat-topped mountain formation rises above the horizon, adding to the stark, otherworldly atmosphere. The woman wears casual clothing, including a dark top and pants, and has long, blonde hair cascading down her back. She stands facing away from the camera, her gaze fixated on the dramatic scenery before her. The image exudes a sense of solitude and adventure, capturing the raw beauty of this remote, untamed volcanic landscape.

Did you know there’s a volcanic crater just a couple of hours outside Los Angeles? If not, what’s the weirdest attraction you’ve come across in #California? Comment below! •• Don’t worry, the volcano is no longer active. But #Amboy Crater is still there, right off Route 66. You can reach the crater itself with a three-hour hike through the #desert. •• Thanks to @condoleeza_ for grabbing a shot of me as I took my own photos of the crater. . . . . .

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