Joanna Kalafatis
The image captures a candid and joyful moment between two smiling women enjoying drinks together at what appears to be a bar or restaurant. One woman is holding a glass filled with an orange-colored beverage, possibly a cocktail or juice, while the other woman is holding a similar glass containing a darker liquid. They seem to be in a warm, lively setting, with dim lighting and a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Their expressions radiate happiness, camaraderie, and a sense of cherished friendship. The image conveys a sense of celebration, relaxation, and the importance of human connection during trying times.

I had no idea what to post to close out this crazy year and then I came across this. Just a candid moment of joy and friendship with @marilena.dimotsantou . It struck me as emblematic of what ended up mattering the most in 2021. •• I had cool things happen with my work, opportunities come up I am excited for next year. But with all the stress and anxiety the world caused us, I can’t think of a better thing to focus on than the people who got us through this damn year. I happened to pick this one photo, but there are 100 more of the amazing people I spent time with in 2021. You know who you are ❤️ •• The friends and family that we shared moments of anxiety, spiraling, laughter, joy, depression, support with, as we went in and out of lockdowns, dealt with political turmoil and fires and devastation, some of us lost work, lost relatives, lost friends. •• I have hopes and aspirations for 2022 and will focus on taking it day by day. But if there’s one thing this year taught me...what would we ever have done without each other to lean on? •• Let’s take care of ourselves and each other in 2022 while we work towards a better life and a better world. Have a Happy New Year! •• What is one thing you realized in 2021? Comment below! . . . . . . #nye #newyearseve #2022 #2021

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