Vanessa Joy
A vibrant and colorful bouquet of fresh flowers rests on a plain light-colored surface against a backdrop of blue fabric. The bouquet is composed of pink peonies, their ruffled petals unfurled in full bloom, accompanied by red and white flowers resembling carnations or dahlias. The vibrant hues are complemented by the addition of lush greenery, delicate fern-like foliage, and slender wheat-like stems that add texture and movement to the arrangement. A blue ribbon or fabric woven through the bouquet provides a striking contrast and a touch of elegance.

Vibrant Peony Bouquet

How gorgeous is this bouquet by #theflowermillhopenj ? Love the peonies and touch of blue from the ribbon! Inspiration for you!  @daniellealysha @daniellegraphynl @danielsdiamondsmtl @danvoss @darcieerose_x @dashacaffreygrapher @daveandkerris @davidcampbellimagery @davidhenrygraphy @davidsherry

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