Vanessa Joy
A young couple is embracing and gazing lovingly at each other on a beach boardwalk or pier. The woman has long, blonde hair and is wearing a navy blue hooded sweatshirt with the word 'South' printed across the front. The man has a short, stylish haircut and is dressed in a light blue collared shirt. They have their arms wrapped around each other in a warm, affectionate embrace, with the man resting his head against the woman's. The scene has a romantic, cozy atmosphere, with a cloudy sky and waterscape visible in the background.

Engagement Bliss on the Boardwalk

@emilyhenig and Reece sure look cozy on the boardwalk!I can't wait for their #parkchateau wedding and to work with @6degreesofcelebration and @katydidflorals ! Dress from #bloomingdales #brooksbloomies by #elizaandjames. #parkchateauwedding #parkchateauweddingplanner Hair #christina_mendez_ #razorsharp_lcrj #laudy12 --- shot with canonusa #1dx Inspiration for you!  @freshmindsgraphy @frugal2fab @ftorres.joyeria @fuechschen_mama @funktionevents @fusiong @futuremrskessler902 . . . .

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