Vanessa Joy
A young couple is standing together on a small wooden dock or bridge extending over a peaceful, narrow river or stream surrounded by lush greenery and trees. The water's surface gently reflects the vegetation along the banks, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The man and woman are embracing, their bodies turned towards each other in an intimate pose, suggesting a romantic moment or photoshoot. The woman is wearing a long, flowing blue dress, while the man is dressed in casual attire. The soft, hazy lighting and warm tones add to the dreamy and romantic ambiance of the scene.

Romantic Dock Photo Spot for NYC/NJ Couples

I found this “secret location” (which has since been changed) a few years back and loved taking my New York City and Hoboken/Jersey City couples there for a unique perspective on the NJ NYC boarder. Photographers, do you have a certain spot you love to shoot?

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