The Blumes
The image depicts two smiling individuals, a man and a woman, posing in front of a large red banner with the logo and slogan of ImagingUSA, which appears to be a photography conference or event. The woman is wearing a bright pink top, while the man is dressed casually in a gray sweater. They both seem happy and excited to be at the event, with the banner serving as a vibrant backdrop. The hashtag '#ImagingUSA' is prominently displayed at the bottom of the image, suggesting that it was taken and shared during the conference.

Speaking at ImagingUSA Conference

We’re so excited to be a part of #imagingusa! Such a prestigious conference by PPA celebrating its 150th anniversary this week! . Come hear us speak during our class in room A302 at 6:45pm today! We won’t hold back anything. Can’t wait to share the secrets that can transform your business and your entire life! . ImagingUSA is where it all started for us—years ago, on the brink of failure, then we began learning and connecting with great mentors that changed our lives. We can’t wait to meet you and try to pay it forward this week.

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