The Blumes
A bearded man in a dark suit and a woman in a bright pink top are on a stage in front of an audience, with the stage backdrop featuring numerous hanging light bulbs illuminating the wooden panel walls behind them. The man is gesturing expressively with one arm extended, seemingly in the midst of delivering a presentation or talk. The woman stands beside him, listening attentively. The scene suggests they are speakers or presenters at an event, perhaps a conference, seminar, or a TED Talk.

Our TED Talk on Creativity and Inspiration

Ever wish you could "conjure up" creativity? Is there something you can do to escape a creative rut, where you're constantly distracted or unmotivated? Where does creative genius come from, and are you capable of it?⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ We have and idea about that, and TED was kind enough to let us share it! We hope you'll check it out at⠀⠀ . ⠀⠀ Getting the invitation for a TEDx Talk remains one of our career highlights. We learned so much from the experience! @eileen_blume and I are addicted to #TEDTalks, and we watch them every time we're on an airplane or AppleTV.⠀⠀ .⠀⠀ What better platform to share "ideas worth spreading"?! If you like it, share it! The world could use a lot more "selfless selfies"....

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